Monday, October 19, 2009

A look at prizes for MakeupAddict126's contest

My friend Julia (YT user: lovehellokitty2much) made a target makeup haul for her friend Geralyn (YT user: MakeupAddict126) because Geralyn was having a contest coming up for her 1000 subscribers contest. Geralyn was trying to get some people to help her with her contest, so Julia sent Geralyn some items.

I decided to help Geralyn as well, so I got some stuff together & decided to send her some Wet n Wild items, Revlon items & MAC Hello Kitty items. It's in my video here

I will be sending these items to Geralyn soon & if I get a chance to shop some more, I'll try and send out some more stuff. Ya'll should check out Geralyn's channel & subscribe to her & enter her contest. She's really nice & sweet.

Good luck to everyone entering her contest!

~Sherr Bear ^_^

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Recent YT videos & Project(s)

Recent videos I made on YT:

Hello Kitty (HK) Target Haul:

DSK Favorites video (DSK Jewelry):

HK sale/gift haul video today of the stuff I got from Julia (YT user: lovehellokitty2much):

Another jewelry haul video of items I got from Ezzie (Ezziebell Jewelry):


~I am going to be doing a makeup haul for Julia (YT: lovehellokitty2much)'s friend Geralyn (YT: MakeUpAddict126) for Geralyn's 1000 subscribers contest. I think I'll post a video on what I got for her soon.
~I have also been doing some online shopping for handcrafted swarovski jewelry. I will probably make a video on those items I bought once I receive them.
~I was asked to do a video on my jewelry/accessory collection, as well as my make up collection. Not sure how I'd go about doing that yet, but I'll figure out something.. maybe split some stuff up so I can show a video of that.
~Of course.. since I'm a HK lover... If I purchase anymore HK items, I'll do more videos on that.

Take care everyone!

~Sherr Bear ^_^

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chubby Bunny Challenge~

My friends & I decided to take on the Chubby Bunny Challenge (as seen from bubzbeauty & kandeejohnson).

Want to know how it went?

Watch it:

I laughed so much~ haha

~Sherr ^_^

Friday, October 9, 2009

Made some new videos on Youtube~

I made a video review on a Hello Kitty mini iPhone yesterday

I also made a video for a recent haul I did from Discount Dance, Ebay, Hot Topic & DSK Jewelry (just 1 necklace I was wearing though... haha...). There were Hello Kitty items in the video... :-)

Hope ya'll enjoy the videos~

I've been busy with some school stuff~ I'll try & make more videos~

You can also follow me on Twitter...

~Sherr Bear ^_^

Monday, October 5, 2009

Ezziebell Jewelry

So... I know... I'm rarely on my blogger, but... I do check it every now & then. I'm normally on FB or Youtube.. haha..

If you haven't seen my YT videos, I make videos on hauls & my Hello Kitty collection. My YT channel is

Also, Big shoutout to Ezzie from Ezziebell Jewelry. I met her through Blogger recently and we messaged each other through here & FB. She has some really cute jewelry~ If you haven't seen it, her blogger is

She posted a blog about a video I made on YT about her jewelry~ :-D Ezzie even put a couple of my pictures on her side panel (of me wearing her jewelry)~! I was super excited & happy to see that!!! She's awesome!!!

Hope everyone has a great week!

~Sherr ^_^