Saturday, December 25, 2010
Happy Holidays!
So, recently, I had written an entry on my Luuux page in regards to being rejected by love. I know it may seem like a downer topic, but believe me when I say, the title is not what it seems. If ya'll would like to take the time to read my entry, I'm sure for many girls out there, you'd find the entry more uplifting than anything else. If you'd like to read it, please go to
Normally, every year, I'd post a blog entry on stuff I like so that my friends would have an idea of what I like, without actually really asking for anything because I normally buy whatever I want.. haha. This year however, I did not post that entry, but that's because even though I bought gifts for some of my closest friends, I wasn't really expecting anything in return. I just wanted to do something for them.
I know I'm more of the giving type, and I don't mind that at all, but I know my birthday is coming up next month, and my friends will need ideas of what to get me. Maybe I'll post that on my Facebook or something. *shrugs*
Anywho, I hope everyone has a safe & happy holidays!!!
~Sherr Bear ^_^
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Neglecting My Blog
I think I'm going to change this Blogger from a review blog to just blogs that I just want to write about. It can be about life, thoughts, makeup, Hello Kitty, etc.
I know I need to pick a winner for my Hello Kitty Makeup Inspired contest, and I will. I'm just waiting for my guest judges to pick a time to work with me on that, and I'll post the winner on my Facebook fan page.
Hope everyone has been well.
~Sherr Bear ^_^
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Laura Mercier's Oil-Free Tinted Moisturizer Review
I had been going back & forth between bb creams & Shiseido's Tinted Moisturizer, but came to a conclusion that since it's summer time, I don't want to use bb cream that's going to make my skin look more white. It doesn't match my skin color for the summer (especially since I got a tan now). :-P
So, I had been using more of the Shiseido tinted moisturizer, but I started noticing that my skin kept getting more & more oily throughout the day & it was making me crazy because my mascara was running more & I could feel myself starting to break out more because of it.
Normally, I'd say I'm a combination skin type, but I have oily skin, so the tinted moisturizer by Shiseido was not helping me whatsoever. Then, I came across a review on summer makeup in the sun and how it looks natural & beautiful, and the product used was Laura Mercier's Oil-Free Tinted Moisturizer (which contains spf 20).
I made a quick visit to my local Sephora & got one right away to try. My first impression of it was very good. With only the tinted moisturizer (which was a shade or two darker than my skin tone because it makes my skin glow more because of the summer time. I got the shade nude.), I get a natural & dewy look, which I think looks really nice. I just take a little bit of the tinted moisturizer & dot it on my face and spread with my hands (make sure your hands are clean), and that's it~
At the same time, if I add a bit of powder over it (in this case, I used MAC's Studio Fix in NC30), my face looks really matte, but flawless. I really love it! Everyone has been commenting me on how my skin looks amazing & whether or not I'm in love or something because I'm glowing. Haha. But, it's not it... I think it's just the makeup. :-D
Maybe I'll do another makeup tutorial video & show how I use this product in the video. I already did a natural tutorial look. Maybe I'll do an everyday makeup routine video? We'll see.
*All products mentioned in this blog were opinions solely based on my own thoughts. I purchased the items myself. I am not paid to endorse any products, nor am I affiliated with any companies.*
Thanks for reading!
~Sherr Bear ^_^
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
What is this feeling?
Sometimes, people take life for granted, and at times, even take others for granted. I think I came to a realization that someone has become important in my life. Though nothing serious has become of it, it's still a nice feeling, and as much as I'd like to explore more into it, sometimes, it's best to keep things the way they are.
Maybe this blog isn't really making any sense to anyone... Believe me, I don't think I'm making much sense right now, but this is just something that's been on my mind. I've been battling with myself about what this is that I'm feeling at the moment, but the more I question myself, the more confused I just get.
Haha. I guess we'll just have to see what happens... :-) I always tell myself to look on the brighter side of things, and I definitely will.
P.S. I have a new update video on Koji on my youtube channel. Go check it out~ HERE
~Sherr Bear ^_^
Monday, August 9, 2010
I was tagged by Lisa (xMaterialGirlsx)
Here are the questions:
- What is your favourite thing to buy besides makeup?
- What is (are) on your wishlist right now?
- What do you love about blogger?
- What is your favourite/most recommended product(s)?
- What do you believe in?
- Share a beauty secret!
- What's your favourite sunscreen?
- Where would you like to visit one day?
1) My favorite thing to buy besides makeup would be Hello Kitty or bear-related items. I'm a huge Hello Kitty (HK) & bear fanatic (in case ya'll don't know yet... from my Youtube channel).

2) Items on my wishlist (at the moment):
A new laptop, a waterproof camera, 4minute's new CD

3) What do I love about blogger? It's a good way to share thoughts/feelings in a different method (other than being in front of a camera... like on Youtube) :-) It's also easier to maintain, though, I never really use it that often. Haha.
4) My favorite/most recommended product(s) is/are...
Baviphat Funky Look BB Cream #2

5) I believe in a Chinese saying that there are no ugly women out there in the world. There are only women who are lazy. The meaning behind this saying was that women who are lazy will not take care of themselves. If women take the time to take care of themselves, physically & mentally, and spend a little time on themselves, then they'll have more confidence.
6) Oh~~~ Let's see... The trick to looking pretty/beautiful is by applying makeup that looks natural, in other words... make it look like you're not wearing any makeup. My trick? I like using neutral colors for eyeshadows, soft pink/peach colors on my cheeks, and nude or pink colors on my lips. Another thing is that I use a brown color for my eyeliner to soften the look, rather than using black, which will make my eyes look more intense.
7) When I apply sunscreen on my face, it's usually in the tinted moisturizer or bb cream that I'm using. I don't apply it separately, unless I'm at the beach. If I'm at the beach, I don't wear makeup. I just spray sunblock on. :-P
8) I'd love to visit many places one day. I think Spain or France would be beautiful cities to go visit. I also think Japan would be amazing too! Japan is big in fashion & technology. I'd want to go visit places where people go to cosplay... :-D I'm such a nerd.. hehe.
Til next time!!!
Oh! Thanks, Lisa for tagging me!!! I don't know who to tag, so for those who want to, tag yourself & do this survey. If you do so, let me know, so I can read what you wrote. :-)
~Sherr Bear ^_^
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Graduation & Update: 1000+ Subbie Giveaway Contest
Class of 2010! Yay!!!
Okay~ In other news... I know many people have been wondering when I'm going to do my 1000+ Subbie Giveaway Contest. With personal health issues, finals, graduation, laptop being broken, another personal family issue going on at the moment, & not having my 2 main prizes coming in yet, I'm not sure when it will take place.
I was thinking of doing the giveaway contest as soon as I received my 2 top prizes for the 2 giveaway contests that I'll be doing, BUT... I haven't received them yet, so I'm sorry for the delay.
If I feel that it will take longer than I'm expecting, I think I'll go ahead & have 2 of the giveaway contests that I will do (of the prizes that I bought myself) & just have more giveaways later on when the main prizes come in.
Thank you to everyone for bearing with me with all the stuff going on, especially since it's taking longer for me to post due to my laptop being completely broken now! :-)
I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart & that's why I decided to try & give back to my subbies by having the 1000+ Subbie Giveaway Contests. Please just keep checking back on my channel for further updates on the giveaway contests.
My Youtube Channel
Sherr Bear
Monday, May 3, 2010
Naive Aloe Facial Cleansing Foam by Kracie

Hmm... I recently started using a Japanese brand facial cleansing foam that my cousin bought me from Taiwan. It's by Kracie & it's called Naive. The cleanser is in a green bottle, which is the aloe cleansing foam.
My cousin told me that this cleanser is very good & popular in Taiwan.
After using it, I fell in love with the product~ :-) You don't need to use a lot when applying the cleanser on the face. It's not liquid-y like lotion, but more like slightly glue-y cleansers. Lol... I'm trying to figure out explain how it feels... haha. :-P
I've never used a cleansing foam like this, so I'm not sure what I'd compare it to.
So, this cleanser has a soft, light scent that is very sweet. I really like the smell! :-D I feel that this cleanser cleans, smoothes, and softens my skin. After I wash my face, I don't feel like I overwashed my face because it feels smooth and clean. My face doesn't feel like it wasn't washed either because I feel like the cleanser did it's job by removing the oily parts on my skin, but still keeping my skin hydrated & smooth.
I've heard other reviews on this product that it's good for clearing up acne & it's supposed to help people with dry, flaky skin by making their skin less flaky.
To apply this cleanser, you apply a small amount in your palm & emulsify with water, and then apply it to your skin/face.
Hope ya'll enjoyed this review!
*I am not paid to endorse any products, nor am I affiliated with any companies. This item was bought by my cousin & sent to me as a gift. Everything that I say in this blog is based on my honest opinion & is an honest review on how I feel about the product. I'm simply sharing my thoughts on the item.*
~Sherr Bear ^_^
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Facebook Fan Page
I know I rarely post blogs, but I normally use it to follow other friends & gurus. I still use my twitter when I get a chance..
Feel free to add my fan page on Facebook. I'll be updating more on my 1000+ subbie contest
~Sherr Bear ^_^
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Have a question for me?
Watch the video here~
I pretty much open the floor up to everyone & asked everyone to comment in the video, asking me whatever question(s) they'd want to know about me. Of course, there has to be limits. I did ask everyone to make the questions appropriate & not too personal.
Can't wait to hear what questions people want to ask me~ :-)
~Sherr Bear ^_^
Monday, March 22, 2010
Survey from AprilAthena7's Blogger~
1. How has your week been going?
My week has been alright. Spring Break is over, and school starts again today. A little bummed because I worked all Spring Break, but it’s okay because school keeps me in check. :-P
2. Do you color your hair?
I used to, but after a family death about 3 years ago, I stopped.
3. What’s on your nails?
A watermelon nail design that I learned how to do from my youtube friend cutepolish. :-)
4. What are your favorite TV shows?
Ghost Whisperer
So You Think You Can Dance
Law & Order
Family Guy
The Simpsons
Will & Grace
5. Are there other cosmetics that you love as much as nail polish?
I have a collection of eyeshadows & lip products. :-P
6. Are you a fan of Nutella?
I’ve never tried it before.
7. What’s your favorite base and top coat?
8. Do you love boots? How many pairs do you own?
Boots are amazing accessories to an outfit. I have a couple pairs.
9. Would you rather spend a 2 week (all paid) vacation lounging on a beach in Fiji, touring the city streets of Japan, or rugged hiking in Australia?
Probably touring the streets of Japan because there’d be more to see. :-)
10. What is your favorite physical thing about yourself?
Face: My smile? If that counts… Haha.
Body: My hands. ^_~ Hands are the first thing I notice when I look at someone. I'm not sure why.. haha. So, I try to take good care of my hands as well.
~Sherr Bear ^_^
AprilAthena7 is having a giveaway~
So April is having a giveaway on her blog & youtube channel~ She's super sweet & nice for doing this. Her birthday is coming up too, so make sure ya'll stop by her page & wish her a Happy Birthday~ :-D
Check out her blog entry on her giveaway: here
Thanks everyone!
~Sherr Bear ^_^
Monday, March 15, 2010
Alicechan9 is having a mini giveaway on her blog!
Here's her blogger...
Here are a couple of prizes for the giveaway:

The giveaway ends March 28th, I believe. Look for the giveaway rules & information on her blogger.
Again... Here's her blogger:
~Sherr Bear ^_^
Thursday, March 4, 2010
My Break from Youtube~
After doing another diagnostic, the technician has confirmed that my graphics card has been fried. My laptop is in the process of being repaired once again, and hopefully, I'll be able to get my laptop back in about a week or two.
Can't wait to come back from my break from YT!
My 600 Subscribers Contest is still going on~ It ends March 12, 2010.
I now have a little over 700 Subbies~ :-D
~Sherr Bear ^_^
Monday, February 8, 2010
I Love Your Blog Award!

Linhy awarded me with the "I Love Your Blog" award! I was so happy to have been one of the receivers of this award. I never really thought that my blog was anything special. Honestly, I rarely use it & only update it when I get a chance. However, I would like to thank her for giving me this award. If you'd like to check out her blog, click her name "Linhy."
Thank you so much, girl! :-)
Now, I will be giving this award to some people I follow on Blogger. Originally, we're supposed to pass the award to 15 people, but I don't think I follow that many blogs, so I'm just going to give it to 5 people
- Post award on your blog
- Link the person who has given you the award
- Pass the award to 5 other blogs you've discovered
- Remember to contact the bloggers you've nominated.
Here are the bloggers:
1.) Yours-Truly-Range - Alice makes her own cute swarovski jewelry. She's very caring & looks amazing! She's also known as alicechan9 on Youtube.
2.) AprilAthena7 - April was one of the first gurus that I started following on Youtube. She's so pretty & super nice! She has wonderful hauls.
3.) Vintagelexy - Lexy (VintageLex on Youtube) is another guru I met through Youtube & I met her through April. She's very creative & funny! I love watching her tutorial videos.
4.) mtwdesigns - Sandra is another swarovski jewelry maker. She's very down to earth & laid-back. I love chatting with her.
5.) julujewelry - I stumbled upon Stephanie's blogger one day & saw the cute jewelry she made. I haven't had a chance to purchase from her yet, but I'm sure I will in the future. :-D
~Sherr Bear ^_^
Sunday, February 7, 2010
New Youtube Videos~
I've updated my youtube channel with some new haul videos that were long overdue. Dealing with Koji (my puppy), school & work has not allowed me much time to make videos, but I managed to knock some out & hope everyone will enjoy it.
First video is a mini haul I did from a Japanese website called My Strapya World.
2nd video is my 4th installment of Hello Kitty haul. If you like bloopers, I put a couple at the end for fun because for the first time, I started messing up quite a bit while recording. Guess that's probably why I should decide what to say before I start recording... haha :-P
I've got a couple more requests that I need to work on, but we'll see how much I get done. I have quite a bit of homework to finish.
A subbie asked if I could do a Hair Care routine video of what I do with my hair after I shower & what not. I'll most likely do this sometime today.
Valentine's is coming up. Chinese New Year too & they're on the same day. Sadly, I'll be working that entire weekend. But, I thought I might do a video on a Valentine look... We'll see.
I also need to work on my 2nd video on How to Make a Friendship Bracelet, but I need a tripod or something to angle the camera... This one might have to wait. I know many people asked me to do this... :-P
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
P.S. Update on my 500 Subscribers Giveaway on Youtube. I have postponed it to 600.
~Sherr Bear ^_^
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Random Dream
Some guy was looking for me because he wanted to harm me. He met with the girl in the apartment across from mine and came over to my apartment. I saw because I was hiding in my apartment with doors locked & everything. I had tried to leave, but they were already at my door.
The girl opened the door to my apartment & the two found me instantly. The guy had a knife in his hand & tried to kill me. After a couple swings & some struggle, I managed to get the knife from him & tried to swing at him with the knife. I gave him & the girl some cuts & bruises, and then... during the struggle, I woke up...
Random dream. I know. I was curious as to what it meant, so I looked it up online.
If I look up "killing," it says, "To dream that you have been killed, suggests that your actions are disconnected from your emotions and conscience. Alternatively, the dream refers to drastic changes that are happening in your life. There is a characteristic that you want to get rid of or a habit that you want to end within yourself. Killing represents the killing off of old parts of yourself and old habits."
If I look under "murder," it says, "To dream that you are murdered, suggests that some important and significant relationship has been severed and you are trying to disconnect yourself from your emotions. It also represents your unused talents. "
Both are kind of similar... Interesting stuff though. This is my randomness of the day... Lol.
~Sherr Bear
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I think I'm starting to get used to blogging~
I'd actually try & relate my entries to my Youtube videos, but I don't take frequent pictures, so not sure how that would work... Lol.
We'll see what becomes of my blogger~ Hopefully, I can make it more interesting for my followers. I don't have as many followers as I do subscribers on Youtube. Hehe.
~Sherr Bear ^_^
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
School started today~
I really want to thank Steph (DSK) for giving me some advice about dealing with people like that. I think I'll do just that (what she said). :-) Thanks, Steph~! Mucho <3 for ya!
So, today was the first day of school for the spring semester! :-D Brand new day. Everything was grand. I went to class, got to see some of my friends, and ate lunch with one of my best friends (Who I <3 very much. She's going through some rough times right now, so I wish her the best of luck. I'm sure everything will turn out fine.).
I'm not really looking forward to purchasing books for 2 of my classes, even though it's only for 2 classes. Just one class alone has 3 books... O.o Well, guess that's just school... can't wait until my refund comes in~
~Sherr Bear
Monday, January 18, 2010
I'm not sure what the new year has brought in for everyone else, but along with the love & happiness I've received within the past couple of weeks, I've also obtained some haters. I don't really know what to say. It's kind of a surprise to me since all I do is post videos on items that I purchase, my Hello Kitty collection, etc. I rarely do tutorials, only a couple when I've entered some contests.
Just a couple of weeks ago, I had a certain youtube user comment on my Hard Candy make up review video. Though I've stressed over & over that this was solely based on my opinion on the make up because I have sensitive skin, I received a comment from this certain YT user on how I know nothing about make up. I'm sorry. Do I even know you? This girl knew nothing about me & started judging me right off the back saying that I obviously know nothing because the make up that I purchased were not that expensive & yada yada yada. We've been going back & forth for the past 2 weeks & i'm just tired of it. Why do people have so much time on their hands? Then, this girl had the audacity to call me an "idiot!" I'm sorry. This girl was seriously pissing me off.
I've already made my statement saying that I don't like bashing or haters. So, of course, I left one last comment to her last comment to me & I blocked her from my channel. Simple as that because like I said, I don't tolerate any crap from anyone. I'm on YT today because of the wonderful friends I've made & the nice subscribers who watch & enjoy my videos. If anyone does not like it, don't watch my videos or just stay away from my channel.
Honestly, I don't get mad very easily, but I think I have to make my point. I'd say at this point, I'm just annoyed, I'm not mad yet. Believe me when I say, if i'm mad, ya'll will be able to tell.
About an hour ago, I received a comment on my Hello Kitty Collection video (part 1). Some dude from Cali commented on my video... Do you know what he said? "what an ugly a** asian b****..where's her white man"
Seriously??? Where is all this hate coming from? Is this what the future generation is all about? HATE? I never had a problem with people voicing their opinions, but when they directly target me or any of my friends (in this case, it was me), Sherr Bear will have something to say.
I really wanted to curse the crap out of this dude because I'm wondering where were his parents. Had no one ever taught him manners? Not only did I find this offensive... No... I thought this was racism... I really can't stand people like this, and like I said before, I will not tolerate it.
So, of course, his comment was removed & he is no longer allowed back on my channel. He has been blocked from my channel. That's it. I will not sugar coat anything for rude & disrespectful people like that.
I was told by some of my fellow friends from Youtube that maybe I should take a break from YT. Though I'd agree to do so, these comments I've been getting have been for my older videos. I'm not going to stop posting videos. I will simply be blocking people from my website if I receive such comments. End of story.
~Sherr Bear
Saturday, January 2, 2010
MTW Design's New Year Giveaway 2010

So, Sandra is having another giveaway~ Yay! :-) The picture of the bracelet is the item she'll be giving away~ Isn't it cute?
I actually wanted to purchase this bracelet, but ended up buying another item... hehe. :-P
Find out more info about her give away here
I'll be posting a video on some items I purchased from her soon.
~Sherr Bear ^_^