Monday, February 8, 2010

I Love Your Blog Award!

Linhy awarded me with the "I Love Your Blog" award! I was so happy to have been one of the receivers of this award. I never really thought that my blog was anything special. Honestly, I rarely use it & only update it when I get a chance. However, I would like to thank her for giving me this award. If you'd like to check out her blog, click her name "Linhy."

Thank you so much, girl! :-)

Now, I will be giving this award to some people I follow on Blogger. Originally, we're supposed to pass the award to 15 people, but I don't think I follow that many blogs, so I'm just going to give it to 5 people


- Post award on your blog
- Link the person who has given you the award
- Pass the award to 5 other blogs you've discovered
- Remember to contact the bloggers you've nominated.

Here are the bloggers:
1.) Yours-Truly-Range - Alice makes her own cute swarovski jewelry. She's very caring & looks amazing! She's also known as alicechan9 on Youtube.
2.) AprilAthena7 - April was one of the first gurus that I started following on Youtube. She's so pretty & super nice! She has wonderful hauls.
3.) Vintagelexy - Lexy (VintageLex on Youtube) is another guru I met through Youtube & I met her through April. She's very creative & funny! I love watching her tutorial videos.
4.) mtwdesigns - Sandra is another swarovski jewelry maker. She's very down to earth & laid-back. I love chatting with her.
5.) julujewelry - I stumbled upon Stephanie's blogger one day & saw the cute jewelry she made. I haven't had a chance to purchase from her yet, but I'm sure I will in the future. :-D

~Sherr Bear ^_^


  1. Awww, no need to thank me, cause you truly deserve it :] I enjoy both your blog and your youtube videos. Hope Koji is coping well too.

    Keep smiling :D

  2. Thanks for the award! It's my first! I feel so special.

  3. Aww Serr Bear bless you! Thank you so much! ^_^ Thats so so sweet! =) Your wonderful you are! Such a sweetheart!
